Call for Papers
The Fifth POMS-HK International Conference, 3-4 January 2014
Hosted by: POMS Hong Kong Chapter and The University of Hong Kong
As the global economy continues to be turbulent, production and operations managers in all organizations are facing more challenges -- shorter product life, more intensive competition, rapider response, increased product variety, and faster information flows. As a result, the interaction of operations with other functional areas such as R&D, engineering, marketing, finance, accounting, personnel, strategy, and information systems have become increasingly important. The production and operation management has also been applied to many other areas, such as healthcare systems, humanitarian supply chains, and natural resources management. The theme of the meeting, POM - key to the future, recognizes such a trend. The Fifth POMS-HK International Conference will provide a forum for practitioners and academics to share their research, experience, and insights on thematic areas as well as traditional POM problems.